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Highest Rated Panasonic Electric Shaver Comparison Review Guide

Article Author
May 17, 2014
Will McGee

Panasonic Electric Shaver Buyers Guide

If you are a Panasonic Electric Shaver Fan and you are trying to figure out which is the best one for you we have you covered.

We Have put together a chart that will compare the most popular Panasonic Razors on the market today so you can quickly review the features and pick out the right one for you.

Highlight of The Best Panasonic Electric Shavers

By Far the Panasonic ES-LV81-K Arc 5 is by far the top of the line model and most expensive out of the whole bunch. It packs a major punch but you will need to man up and pull the wallet out because it’s their expensive model. It is one of the two that actually come with the a cleaning system, has 5 blades running at 14,000 rpms with a muli-flex heads keeping the shaver close to your face and chin.  He Have a Full Review Of the Panasonic ES-LV81-K Here.

Common Features

Name Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic
Model Number ES-LT41-K ES-LT71-S ES8243A ES-LF51-A ES-LA63-S ES-LA93-K ES-LV61-A ES-LV81-K
No of blades 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5
Motor RPM/CPM 13,000 13,000 13,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000
Flexible Pivoting Head Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-Flex Pivoting Head         Yes Yes Yes Yes
30-Degree Stainless Nanotech Blades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Hypoallergenic Foil and Blades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arc Foil Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vibrating Outer Foil         Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lift-Tech Foil             Yes Yes
Pop-up Trimmer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wet/Dry Shaving Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Elecronic Display 10 Stage LCD 5 Stage LED 10 Stage LCD 5 stage LED 10 Stage LCD 10 Stage LCD 10 Stage LCD 10 Stage LCD
Travel Lock Switch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic Cleaning and Charging System   Yes       Yes   Yes
Full Charge Time 1 Hr 2 Hrs 3 Hrs 4 Hrs 5 Hrs 6 Hrs 7 Hrs 8 Hrs
Usage Time 45 Mins 46 Minses 47 Mins 48 Mins 49 Mins 50 Mins 51 Mins 52 Mins
Automatic Universal Dual Voltage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Travel Pouch Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wet/Dry Shaving Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Before I forget we also have detailed reviews on the following shavers here on the site that are listed in the table below.

  1. Panasonic ES-LT71-S Review
  2. Panasonic ES8103s Review
  3. Panasonic ES-LT41-K Review
  4. Panasonic ES8109s Review
  5. Panasonic ES8243A Review

Well have fun with it and I hope this helps jump start your research on the best Panasonic shaver for you.

Common Features

  • Nanotech blades that dialed in at a 30 degree angle to grab the whiskers deep at the root for a smooth shave. The blades are also hypoallergenic.
  • Face Hugging Mult-Flex Head – The head is able to flex to allow the shaver to follow the contour of your face and chin for maximum comfort and coverage.
  • 14,000 Rpm fast Motor – It runs in a linear fashion to help eliminate the tugging action that most shavers have when going slower. So, that helps with folks with sensitive skin.
  • Unique Foil Patterns – Lift Tech Foil handles anything that lies flat and lifts it up to be cut, Finishing Foil that cleans up the tough stuff that is missed by the lift Tech and then finally the Slit Foil that is designed to catch the longer hairs that most razors miss.

Before I forget we also have detailed reviews on the following shavers here on the site that are listed in the table below.

  1. Panasonic ES-LT71-S Review
  2. Panasonic ES8103s Review
  3. Panasonic ES-LT41-K Review
  4. Panasonic ES8109s Review
  5. Panasonic ES8243A Review

Well have fun with it and I hope this helps jump start your research on the best Panasonic shaver for you.

Article Author
I put together various reviews on Electric Shavers out there so other men will have the information they need to purchase the one that is right for their needs. If you have any questions please contact me

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